Fictional Intelligence (FICINT)
A series of fictional stories that examine some potential scenarios of near future conflicts.
In 2018, the MARSOF 2030 Vision showcased the original “Safe Harbor” story. “Safe Harbor II” is its sequel.
All of these stories depict futuristic environments and are designed to facilitate an open discussion about transforming the Marine Raider force toward a new 2040 Vision and associated supporting operating concepts.
The intent of the stories is to explore the potential challenges of adversary nations, terrorist organizations, and highly motivated individuals set on wreaking havoc with all who oppose their particular agenda.
The modern battlefield is an ever-changing multidimensional environment to which we must continually adapt. The scenarios presented here combine our current capabilities with new technologies to create possible responses to the exponentially expanding threats against our way of life. We seek every opportunity to deny our opposition an advantage in any physical or digital battlespace.