Lt. Col Peter D. Huntley, the commanding officer of 2d Marine Special Operations Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Special Operations Command presents Gunnery Sgt. Michael Perella with the Bronze Star Medal with combat distinguishing device Nov. 25, 2009 behind the 2d MSOB headquarters building on Stone Bay. Perella received the Bronze Star Medal with combat distinguishing device for actions in the Helmand, Province, Afghanistan in October of 2007. - Lt. Col Peter D. Huntley, the commanding officer of 2d Marine Special Operations Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Special Operations Command presents Gunnery Sgt. Michael Perella with the Bronze Star Medal with combat distinguishing device Nov. 25, 2009 behind the 2d MSOB headquarters building on Stone Bay. Perella received the Bronze Star Medal with combat distinguishing device for actions in the Helmand, Province, Afghanistan in October of 2007.